AI stock screener

Upside potential, %
Market cap, $ mln
Revenue, $ mln
Revenue growth, %
Price to earnings
Price to book
Price to sales
Sales to assets
Debt to equity
Dividend yield, %
Return on assets, %
Return on equity, %
Net profit margin, %

About the AI Stock Screener

Our AI stock screener is built upon a proven and statistically sound valuation methodology, uniquely designed to assess stock value. Unlike traditional approaches, our AI valuation model leverages advanced machine learning techniques to analyze financial data beyond conventional intrinsic value calculations.

The effectiveness of this model has been extensively validated through rigorous backtesting on out-of-sample data, i.e. data that was never used during model training, thus ensuring statistically meaningful and significant results. This level of validation demonstrates the model’s robustness across different market conditions, providing investors with a reliable and data-driven valuation tool.

While our AI valuation model represents a cutting-edge advancement in stock analysis, we also continue to offer our Intrinsic Value Stock Screener, a trusted method with a decade-long track record of success.
